Am I Really Diabetic?

sweden PicLately, I’ve been getting the strange realisation that I am diabetic. I mean, obviously, I know I have been diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes and I manage it daily, but I think it has taken me up until now to actually realise it and process it properly. As an automatic reaction around food, I am forced to think about my insulin needs. Every so often I wonder if this is really my life. Am I really different now? Do I really have an autoimmune disease?

For the rest of my life I will be thinking about insulin, its measurements and how it will affect my blood glucose. Am I doing a good enough job for myself? Am I annoying to others when I ask them the carb content of the food they are preparing for me? Does it bother them that I have to pay so much attention to my needs even if there is something serious going on? I was wondering what it would be like to have a day off, to forget that I know what it means to “bolus”. As I write this I can see my Insulin Pump resting on the waist band of my pyjamas and it makes me ask myself; am I really wearing a device that pretty much acts as my life support? Why do I know what an Animas Vibe is?

This post might seem a bit depressing and “woe is me” but I assure you it is not. I am not complaining about having this disease, I am trying to let it sink in. Should it be this hard to sink in? When I was diagnosed it was something I grasped really quickly and I just took control of it. When my blood sugar was “hi” and the doctor told me I have diabetes she was looking for more of a reaction than the reaction she got from me. I just said “ok”. She asked me how I feel about it and I said “I just have to get on with it”. She told me that people usually burst into tears at the point of diagnosis. I told her I was too tired to react. I was really, really tired.

Did / does anybody else feel like this? Every day I look at my type 1 active instagram and I am inspired by people who manage the same disease as me. You know what I go through, maybe you can relate to my thoughts? Would it be too intrusive of me to ask you what your thoughts are on having this disease? Can I find out how well you think you manage it?

Let me know in the comments below or contact me.

Rowena x

2 thoughts on “Am I Really Diabetic?

  1. When I was first diagnosed I reacted similar to how you did. I was upset, but at the time I didn’t know what Type 1 Diabetes fully is. I was also very tired. I would have 2-3 hour naps everyday, but I didn’t really think much of it. I also drank water and ate constantly, I don’t think there was a time where I went 2 hours without eating! Anyways, my blood ended up being 42.2, my doctor told me it was the highest he had ever seen. I did have ketones but I never felt sick (as in throwing up).
    I follow your Instagram account and find it very inspiring! I’ve also read a few of your blogs, and I love them! I love to see when other people have positive attitudes towards Diabetes and how we can interact with other diabetics on Instagram. I don’t really have a positive outlook on it… Well yet. I’ve been diagnosed for 7 months now, and I still feel like breaking down sometimes. It can just be so stressful! I think I am managing it pretty good, well I try my best!

    • Hi Lexi. Finally getting back to you. I think we all feel like breaking down sometimes. I got a little bit upset about it whilst I was on holiday as I felt like the only diabetic around. It’s a big thing to take care of but we can do it. I believe that we are never given a challenge we can’t handle. If you ever want to chat just message me. I’m so pleased that my blog inspires you and I’m sure you’re doing a great job at managing your diabetes.

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